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“Attorney Russell Matson Offers Discounts to Multiple Clients Caught in the Same DUI Roadblock”

4/27/09: Braintree, MA:  Russell Matson, a prominent Massachusetts attorney who defends drunk driving cases, has announced a new "Multiple DUI Roadblock Victim discount". If we represent more than one client stopped in the same DUI roadblock, we will reduce our legal fees by $500 to each subsequent client.

This actually happened very recently. We had three different clients on the same Monday morning in the Dorchester District Court who happened to be stopped at the same local "DUI checkpoint".

"I believe that so-called drunk driving checkpoints are fundamentally unfair. The legality of stopping people with no evidence of wrongdoing, is highly questionable, but unfortunately Massachusetts courts have ruled that they are Constitutional."  Mr. Matson said.

He added, "And there is no evidence that these roadblocks have any public safety benefit whatsoever. They tend to ensnare law abiding citizens, who have done nothing wrong, and don't believe they have done anything wrong. If someone thought they were drunk, the would probably make efforts to avoid the police checkpoints. So they just catch and arrest people who may have had a drink or two, and may have physical limitations that cause them to fail the field sobriety tests, which is a common occurrence."

In response to this situation, the Law Offices of Russell J Matson, PC offers a discounted rate on representation if we are already scheduled to represent a client in that court on the same day. "If myself or one of my associates is already planning to be in that particular court that day, it is easy enough to defend an additional victim of these police tactics, and we are happy to help."

We will offer the same personalized, high-quality representation in all of these instances, including a full case evaluation that explains the benefits and downside to taking a case to trial, as well as an honest assessment of the likely outcome. "I love fighting cases at trial. That's what I do, and have a great record of success beating OUI cases." said Mr. Matson. Adding, "But I understand that many clients can't afford the time and license loss necessary to take a case through the Massachusetts trial system, even if they know they have a good chance to beat the charges."

Whatever you decide, we will fight on your behalf for the best outcome possible. If you choose to plead your case, we can often get you a minimum penalty disposition that same day, and then work with you to get you a hardship license as quickly as possible, to get you back on the road, usually in a week's time.

For a free consultation on any Massachusetts DUI arrest, please contact us at (781)380-7730.

More info on police DUI roadblocks & sobriety checkpoints here.


Attorney Russell Matson is a drunk driving/OUI defense lawyer in Massachusetts. He is a recognized authority on Massachusetts DUI laws and related license loss issues and Registry of Motor Vehicles licensing hearings.  His web site is
